Collegium Intermarium



In the modern model of education, the most amazing thing is that it has become a tool of disinheritance from Latin culture. We have been systematically deprived of contact with the sources of our civilization, with its unique works. We do not know the masters who created them. Today’s education, with universal approval, deals with the production of specialized living tools for various fields of industry and business. We have lost its formative dimension, shaping man as a person. This is followed by the decomposition of reason, and, in turn, the consequence of this decomposition is a deep crisis, not only economic and civilizational, but also a crisis of humanity and morality. It’s time we noticed this relationship.


Our students come into direct contact with European cultural heritage. They learn, in an extended way compared to other universities, the cultural heritage of Greece, Rome, the glorious Middle Ages, Renaissance, Enlightenment and Romanticism. They can analyze thought, cultural and economic trends that have led, from modern times, to the crisis of a great civilization. This makes our students aware of what is happening in the world. Thanks to this, they read reality not in a superficial way, but in an understanding way. This makes it easier for our students to undertake responsible tasks in society in the future.


Studies at Collegium Intermarium are elite studies, for people who have high expectations for themselves, who do not agree to mediocrity. The selection of subjects and lecturers allows you to familiarize yourself with the basics of classical philosophy, the principles of classical education and various ideologies in the modern world. Our University teaches reliable and factual argumentation in favor of what is classic and traditional.


Studies, apart from real intellectual benefits, erudition acquired in academic rigor, also give great satisfaction from discovering valuable, true and beautiful things.


Collegium Intermarium was established as a response to the crisis of academic life.
In times when the sense of order, purpose and meaning disappears, our university has a constant point of reference – the unchanging ideas of Truth, Good and Beauty.

When there is less and less room for free academic debate, Collegium is a space for scientists and students who are not afraid to ask serious questions. Taking up bold challenges is not only the right, but also the duty of everyone who contributes to the university community. When education becomes mass, one-dimensional and reproductive, we remind you that the goal of education is always integral human development. In the realities of a university, its condition is direct cooperation between the master and the student.

The Collegium unites the elites of the Intermarium countries whose nations have been deprived of the opportunity to create their own academic institutions for decades. It is not only a space for conversation about the common culture and diversity of traditions of our region – but above all about scientific, social and economic cooperation today and in the future.

Our university is also a haven for all those who, looking for freedom and order, are not afraid to refer to the achievements of previous generations, including the sources of our civilization – Roman law, Greek love of truth and the living heritage of Christianity. Upholding the classic idea of ​​​​the university, Collegium Intermarium invites you to study and to participate in postgraduate courses that develop the knowledge and skills of professionals.

Our students come into direct contact with European cultural heritage. They learn, in an extended way compared to other universities, the cultural heritage of Greece, Rome, the glorious Middle Ages, Renaissance, Enlightenment and Romanticism. They can analyze thought, cultural and economic trends that have led, from modern times, to the crisis of a great civilization. This makes our students aware of what is happening in the world. Thanks to this, they read reality not in a superficial way, but in an understanding way. This makes it easier for our students to undertake responsible tasks in society in the future.

Studies at Collegium Intermarium are elite studies, for people who have high expectations for themselves, who do not agree to mediocrity. The choice of subjects and lecturers allows you to get acquainted with the basics of classical philosophy, with the principles of classical education and with various ideologies in the modern world. Our University teaches reliable and factual argumentation in favor of what is classic and traditional. Studies, apart from real intellectual benefits, erudition acquired in academic rigor, also give great satisfaction from discovering valuable, true and beautiful things.


The mission of Collegium Intermarium is education based on the classic values ​​of European civilization: Roman legal culture, Greek philosophy and Christian ethics.


Contemporary European legal systems draw on the heritage of Roman law, which over the following centuries was creatively developed by theoreticians and practitioners. It is from it that the basic principles of creating and applying the law come from. The Romans were the first to develop the concept of the “law of nations”, discovering that there are legal norms that apply regardless of cultural differences. At the same time, they created the concept of harmonizing legal orders, which recognized the importance of diverse traditions and recognized their value.


The education of a lawyer requires providing him not only with reliable knowledge of applicable standards and practical skills, but also enabling him to understand the cultural and historical context in which legal institutions are embedded.
The reference point for representatives of classical European thought are the objective ideas of Truth, Good and Beauty. The cradle of European philosophy was ancient Greece, and without the thoughts of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, there would be neither medieval scholastic philosophy nor modern European thought. All major branches of philosophy have ancient roots.


The mission of Collegium Intermarium includes rooting knowledge in a living and constantly up-to-date classical realistic philosophy. In-depth courses in philosophy and history of ideas will allow graduates to discover and shape a hierarchy of values ​​and face key challenges of the present day. European civilization was built on Christian foundations.
It was Christianity that brought the world awareness of human dignity and that ethical standards are universal and apply to everyone. The Christian tradition is not only the past, but also the present and the future of Europe.


Collegium Intermarium educates students in the spirit of seeking the truth about the world and man, as well as integral mental and social development.


Collegium Intermarium aims to restore the classic idea of ​​a university, creating an academic community deeply rooted in the tradition and culture of Europe. Science and research are conducted with respect for the achievements of previous generations and with hope and optimism for the future.


Collegium Intermarium strives to play a leading role on the Polish and international arena by developing scientific research for the benefit of society. Scientific research carried out at Collegium Intermarium is both basic and applied. The university also organizes international scientific conferences devoted to key problems in the field of law, economics and social sciences, as well as the most important civilizational challenges of the present day. Both in the area of ​​research and in scientific conferences organized at the university, those scientific, social and economic issues that are not the subject of debate in other centers or the discussion around them are not sustainable are of particular importance. The following areas in particular are of strategic importance to our University:

1) Promoting classical realistic philosophy.
2) Restoring the value of Christian tradition in the modern world.
3) Rebuilding the idea of ​​a university as a place open to intellectual discussion.
4) Popularization of classical education.
5) Building relationships between North American and Asian universities in order to promote values
Truth, Good and Beauty.

Ancient Greece

Philosophy and Logic, Athenian Democracy Culture and art


Painting and sculpture,
Great geographical discoveries


Poetry and literature

Ancient Rome

Roman law,
Rhetoric, Republic


Natural Sciences, Art
Poetry of anxiety

Belle Epoque

Industrial Revolution

Middle Ages

Christianity, University Piece


Absolutism, Revolution,

20th and 21st century

The digital revolution


A student starting his studies at Collegium Intermarium already has the basics of classical education behind him. As a result, they are ready to broaden their knowledge and acquire education and practical skills needed in their future professional work. Thanks to the interdisciplinary nature of the curriculum, practical form of education, a common tutoring system and a high level of internationalization of studies, a graduate of Collegium is a person who stands out among graduates of other universities in the country.

Interdisciplinary approach

Collegium Intermarium is a university offering, above all, uniform master’s studies in law and postgraduate studies in fields that do not have their equivalents at Polish universities. The university’s curriculum is focused on the practical and interdisciplinary nature of education. In order to provide graduates with the skills necessary in later professional practice, the didactic process included recognized advocates and legal advisers, adjudicating and retired judges (including judges of the Supreme Court and the Supreme Administrative Court), parliamentarians with an academic perspective, leaders of local and foreign think tankers and managers of listed companies.


Unlike competing law studies, Collegium Intermarium offers students a wide range of specialization lectures, seminars and seminars, the subject matter of which indirectly refers to the subject of law, significantly touching on issues from the field of other social sciences – economics, philosophy and history. Thanks to this, a graduate of the university is not only an excellent specialist in his field, but also a person comprehensively formed and ready for future professional challenges.

Academic freedom and honest public debate

The basis for the functioning of the university is to ensure free academic debate, without which it is impossible to fulfill the fundamental mission of science – the search for truth through unrestricted exploration of the surrounding world. Collegium Intermarium will always be open to suggestions, advice and constructive criticism from the academic world and people of good will from outside it. We believe that peer review and self-monitoring contribute to the dynamic development of healthy intellectual exchange, raising the level of public debate and increasing the knowledge of society.


The university is determined to actively defend students and lecturers against harassing attacks limiting academic debate and any attempts at ideological censorship or intimidation of members of the academic community.


Collegium Intermarium will not compromise on the quality of teaching, professed values ​​and the search for truth, and rejects paradigms or ideologies contrary to reliable research and honest teaching. At the same time, the university wants to make a measurable contribution to the development of culture and the quality of public life. The mission of the university includes a wide involvement in civic affairs. We strive for social life to be embedded in the context of the highest philosophical, historical, ethical and legal ideals, and for the public debate to be based on well-established principles and values ​​as well as thoughtful reflections, not momentary, short-term and impulsive observations.

The best qualifications and training methods

Collegium Intermarium is the only university in Poland where the tutoring system is a commonly accepted principle of educating each student. It consists in the fact that with the beginning of learning, each student is assigned a tutor, who is a kind of mentor for him, who, on the basis of the “master-apprentice” relationship, guides him through the learning process. Tutors are selected on an individual basis, in order to ensure the best possible harmonization of the student’s intellectual needs with the profile of his mentor, and in addition to the list of permanent tutor candidates – people formally unrelated to the university are invited to take up the duties of a tutor, including experienced practitioners (lawyers, legal advisers, judges, mediators, managers, social leaders) as well as Polish and foreign scientists.


To support the academic offer, Collegium Intermarium creates a framework for cooperation and partnership with civic organizations and the economic environment, including entrepreneurs, religious communities, non-governmental organizations, law firms, legal institutions, media, government institutions and educational institutions in Poland, the Intermarium region and elsewhere countries.


Collegium Intermarium aims to play a leading role on the Polish and international arena by developing scientific research for the benefit of society.

Scientific research carried out at Collegium Intermarium is both basic and application.


The university also organizes international scientific conferences devoted to key problems in the area of law, economics and social sciences as well as the most important civilizational challenges of the present day, with particular emphasis on challenges for the countries of the Intermarium area.

Both in the area of research and in scientific conferences organized at the university, those scientific, social and economic issues that are not the subject of debate in other centers or the discussion around them are not sustainable are of particular importance. In particular, the following areas are of strategic importance:
1) Conditions for conducting business activity, with particular emphasis on factors affecting the economic subjectivity of Poland and other countries of the Intermarium area;
2) Effectiveness of the functioning of the judiciary and public administration;
3) Issues related to the protection of human rights and civil liberties, taking into account international and national conditions;
4) Family and demographics.

of the region INTERMARS

It is no coincidence that the name of the university brings us closer to our intention to support the nations of the Intermarium. Collegium Intermarium assumes a leading role in this regard in Poland, in the Międzymorze region and on the international arena and encourages its employees and students to similar activity.

Geopolitical context

The university’s mission is part of the context of cooperation between the countries of the Intermarium area – in particular, the 12 European Union Member States that are part of the “Three Seas Initiative” established in 2016 in the area between the Baltic, Black and Adriatic Seas. In addition to the countries included in the “Three Seas Initiative”, Collegium Intermarium will initiate close and lasting cooperation with centers in countries that are not members of the European Union, whose geographical location, cultural proximity and common traditions give prospects for lively cooperation in the field of science, economy and politics. Particular mention should be made of Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Moldova, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and North Macedonia. These countries, historically included in the group of Intermarium countries, have a lot to offer in the field of science and education, and therefore the research and teaching institutions operating in them should become a natural partner for Collegium Intermarium.


However, the interest in scientific cooperation with the countries of this geographical space is justified not only by the prospects created by the current political and economic circumstances. Although the region still struggles with the negative legacy of communism, it is free from many of the problems that affect the western part of the continent. The Intermarium is perceived as a valuable investment area and is of interest to the most important entities of the global economy. However, none of the countries in the region has the potential to independently conduct equal talks with the world’s leading partners. In order to cope with the momentous challenges faced by the countries of the Intermarium area, it is necessary to educate appropriate personnel, specific leaders of change and development. New perspectives require innovative actions at a level that goes beyond the current model. The answer is the creation of the Collegium Intermarium.

International cooperation

One of the pillars of the Collegium Intermarium strategy is the intensive development of cooperation with scientific, social and business partners abroad. The international dimension of activities and openness to foreign partners are necessary in the era of global economy and a dense network of interdependence between countries. This is important both for the didactic offer and for the comprehensive development of students, who upon graduation must have similar competences as their future professional partners from the most developed countries in the world.


Collegium Intermarium’s international cooperation strategy is based on three main dimensions:
(1) cooperation with academic teachers, entrepreneurs and public administration of the countries of the Intermarium area,
(2) cooperation with academic centers, entrepreneurs and think tanks from the United States and
(3) including in the study program classes conducted by practitioners with experience in the operation of international organizations and enabling students to complete internships in the institutions of the European Union, the Council of Europe and the United Nations. An important area of ​​international cooperation are also the countries of Western Europe, including in particular the countries with which Poland is connected by membership in the European Union.