Collegium Intermarium

Szkoła letnia „Odzyskiwanie naszego chrześcijańskiego dziedzictwa” (Budapeszt, 30 lipca – 17 sierpnia 2024 r.)

Zapraszamy do uczestnictwa w „Szkole letniej” w Budepeszcie. W jej trakcie odbędzie się kurs, który prowadzony będzie w języku angielskim przez różnych wykładowców z Wielkiej Brytanii, Europy i Ameryki Północnej.


Planowane tematy seminariów:


* the Catholic worldview and the theory of rationality

* the international human rights movement: dangers and opportunities

* the founders’ vision of the European Union and its Christian ethos

* Christian faith and the birth of science as a self-sustaining enterprise

* sex, sexual identity, and gender: the perspective of psychology

* sex, sexual identity, and gender: the perspective of moral theology

* feminism: for or against women?

* demography and the future of the nuclear family

* the dangerous delusions of transhumanism

* understanding corporate media: an alternative Magisterium?

* NGOs and the threat of world government

* evolutionary theory, scientific research, and Christian belief: the current state of the question.

* the sacredness of life from conception to natural death

* the Chinese communist party and the evangelization of the Chinese people

* Prophecy in the Church: uses and abuses

Prof. Thomas D’Andrea (summer school director; Director of the Centre for the Study of Philosophy, Politics, and Religion, Cambridge, UK)


Prof. D’Andrea was for years a Fellow in Philosophy and the Human Sciences at Wolfson College, Cambridge. He has also held visiting positions at the University of Chicago, the University of St Andrews, and Princeton University. He is the author of the monograph Tradition, Rationality, and Virtue: The Thought of Alasdair MacIntyre (Routledge) and numerous articles in the fields of political philosophy, ethics, metaphysics and the philosophy of religion. He is the Principal Investigator in the Centre for the Study of Philosophy, Politics, and Religion’s current five-year research project ‘Against modernity without restraint: reforming modern social imaginaries’.

Prof. Harald Wydra (Fellow, St Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge)


Prof. Wydra is Holden Fellow and College Professor in Politics and Director of Studies for Human, Social, and Political Sciences at St Catharine’s College, Cambridge. After studying history and political science at the Universities of Regensburg and Salamanca, he took a PhD in Social and Political Sciences from the European University Institute in Florence. He has held visiting fellowships at the École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris and the Australian National University in Canberra and was a Visiting Professor at the Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense. His research interests include Eastern European and Russian politics, democracy (comparative and theory), political anthropology, religion and politics, politics of memory, and interpretive methods in the social sciences. His major publications include Continuities in Poland’s Permanent Transition(Palgrave 2001), Communism and the Emergence of Democracy(Cambridge 2007), Politics and the Sacred (Cambridge 2015), and the Handbook of Political Anthropology (Elgar 2020).

Rev. Prof. John Wauck (Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome)

Rev. Prof. Wauck studied history and literature at Harvard University and holds a doctorate in philosophy from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. Prior to ordination, he wrote speeches for the attorney general of the United States and the governor of Pennsylvania. He teaches Literature and Communication of the Faith at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, where he is also the director of the Center for Priestly Formation.

Dr Stacy Trasancos (Seton Hall University, USA)


Dr Trasancos’s academic work focuses on the topic of theology and science. She earned a doctorate in chemistry from Penn State University (USA) and subsequently worked as a chemist for DuPont. After converting to Catholicism, she obtained a master’s in dogmatic theology (summa cum laude) from Holy Apostles College and Seminary. She is also now pursuing a second doctorate in systematic philosophy. She currently teaches theology at Seton Hall University and Holy Apostles College. She is the author of three books on faith and science, has written numerous articles for Catholic journals and magazines and has appeared internationally on Catholic radio and television. She has seven children and nine grandchildren (so far).

Mr Nicholas McBride (Fellow, Pembroke College, University of Cambridge)


Nicholas McBride is a Fellow of Pembroke College, Cambridge. He was formerly a Fellow at All Souls College, Oxford, having studied Law at Brasenose College, Oxford both as an undergraduate and for the Oxford BCL exam. He is the author of numerous books and articles on law, focusing in particular on the philosophical foundations of private law. He has written a best-selling introduction to studying law called Letters to a Law Student (5th ed, Pearson Education, 2021). He has also written (with Roderick Bagshaw) a textbook on Tort Law (6th edition, Pearson Education, 2018) and two books on the values underlying English private law, the nature of human flourishing, and the future of the West: The Humanity of Private Law, Parts I & II (Hart Publishing, 2019, 2020). He has recently served on an independent panel of UK jurists and judges that conducted an Independent Review of Administrative Law for the UK Government.

Rev. Dr Michael Chaberek, OP (theologian and author, Poland)

Rev. Dr Chaberek, a Dominican Friar and native of Gdansk, completed his doctorate at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University (Warsaw) and presently teaches at the Collegium Intermarium (Warsaw). He also is the director of the Steno Institute for Faith and Science. His academic focus includes: the science-faith dialogue, theology of creation, the theory of intelligent design, the philosophy of St Thomas Aquinas, theology of the body, and the history of modern theology.

Dr Paul Rogers (course administrator; Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge)


Dr Rogers is a postdoctoral researcher in theology at Emmanuel College, Cambridge where he completed a PhD in the Faculty of Divinity. He received a BA in Classics from Williams College, Massachusetts. He is the author of Aquinas on Prophecy (Catholic U. of America Press, 2023), a study concerned with the place of prophecy in the Christian Middle Ages. His articles have appeared in the The Thomist and New Blackfriars and in the publications of the Dutch research group based at the Thomas Instituut te Utrecht. His research interests include: prophecy in the Church; the role of theology in political thought (especially in the work of René Girard and mimetic theory); theories of secularization in contemporary culture; and, theories of inspiration and their role in theology and politics (e.g. how charismatic authority is conceived in political society).