Collegium Intermarium

Law – uniform master’s studies
Uniform Master’s studies

The field of law at Collegium Intermarium is more than just law studies. It is also tutoring, classical humanities, international affairs, foreign languages ​​and economic preparation! We educate lawyers equipped with extensive humanistic knowledge, aware of the importance of Latin culture, Christianity and the heritage of antiquity in the history of Europe and the world.

Collegium Intermarium
Collegium Intermarium
Our mission and values

Kierunek Prawo w Collegium Intermarium to coś więcej niż studia prawnicze. To także tutoring, klasyczna humanistyka, sprawy międzynarodowe, języki obce i przygotowanie ekonomiczne! Kształcimy prawników wyposażonych w szeroką wiedzę humanistyczną, świadomych znaczenia łacińskiej kultury, chrześcijaństwa i dziedzictwa antyku w dziejach Europy i świata.

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Law - uniform master's studies
Law – uniform master’s studies
Collegium Intermarium
Collegium Intermarium
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We are restoring the classic university, the learning community
and taught, which shaped the culture of Europe

Roman order
Legal where relevant
is the real good of citizens
Greek philosophy
Which provided the basis for understanding the world and man, and discovered that man
Christian foundation

Man as a person with inalienable
human dignity


Collegium Intermarium was established as a response to the crisis of academic life. In times when the sense of order, purpose and sense is disappearing, our university has a constant point of reference – the unchanging ideas of Truth, Good and Beauty.

When there is less and less room for free academic debate, Collegium is a space for scientists and students who are not afraid to ask serious questions. Taking up bold challenges is not only the right, but also the duty of everyone who contributes to the university community. When education becomes mass, one-dimensional and imitative, we remind you that the goal of education is always integral human development. In the realities of the university, its condition is direct cooperation between the master and the student.


The Collegium unites the elites of the Intermarium countries, whose nations have been deprived of the possibility to create their own academic institutions for decades. It is not only a space to talk about the common culture and diversity of traditions of our region – but above all about scientific, social and economic cooperation today and in the future. Our university is also a haven for all those who, looking for freedom and order, are not afraid to refer to the achievements of previous generations, including the sources of our civilization – Roman law, Greek love of truth and the living heritage of Christianity. Find out more


Uniform Master’s studies
Stationary and non-stationary


In Human Rights
and International Dispute Resolution

Classical Europe

Politics – culture – the art of debate
Postgraduate studies

Ethics of virtues and real good in the era of postmodernity

Uniform Master’s studies

Cyber ​​Threats



Jednolite studia magisterskie

Center for Classical Philosophy
Center for Research on Family and Demographics
Western Civilization Research Center
Center for Research on European Solidarity
International Human Rights Law (LL.M. – Master of Laws) - Collegium Intermarium
Artificial Intelligence Research Center
Classical Education Center
Center for Faith
and Science
Zarządzanie w samorządzie terytorialnym Studia podyplomowe | Collegium Intermarium
Center for Research and Studies on the State and Law of Ukraine

There are two stages of recruitment in the field of Law:

1st stage of recruitment: 19/06 – 21/07/2024 (until 31/07/2024 announcement of recruitment results)

II stage of recruitment: 01/09 – 28/09/2024 (until 30/09/2024 announcement of recruitment results)

In the field of Journalism and modern social communication, Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities “Artes liberales” and Business, Management and International Law, recruitment lasts: from June 19 to September 21, 2024.

Recruitment for postgraduate studies and courses lasts until September 21, 2024.

At the Collegium Intermarium University, you can register for full-time studies, part-time studies, post-graduate studies and courses

Payment for studies can be divided into 3 and 9 installments

Candidates who enroll for studies by the end of August will receive a 10% discount on tuition fees

The scholarship fund provides for full coverage of tuition fees for the most outstanding candidates and students in a given year of study. The best among the rest will receive a discount in the amount set by the Rector

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