Collegium Intermarium


The Center for Research on European Solidarity at Collegium Intermarium conducts interdisciplinary studies on the broadly understood issue of European cooperation and integration. The research undertaken is not limited only to the phenomenon of the unification process taking place within the European Union, but also concerns the development of international cooperation within such international organizations and initiatives as the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the European Free Trade Association, the Visegrad Group, the Weimar Triangle , Council of the Baltic Sea States, Nordic Council and others.

We treat the issue of European solidarity broadly and look for accurate, adequate and effective solutions for the countries and societies of the Old Continent in the era of increasing globalization and the challenges of the modern world, which often exceed the capabilities of individual nations. Without questioning the need for international cooperation, we strive to find optimal forms of cooperation between countries – cooperation that does not violate their sovereignty, independence, independence and cultural distinctiveness. We are also aware that European solidarity should be based on common values ​​dating back to antiquity and the Middle Ages, characteristic of the European cultural circle.

The main activities of the Center are the preparation of scientific publications and the organization of scientific conferences, seminars, lectures and workshops in Poland and abroad. We also emphasize the importance of international academic exchange, because European integration and solidarity also applies to the world of science.

Prof. Tomasz Grosse

Director of the European Solidarity Research Center


Polish political scientist and sociologist, professor of social sciences. Lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Warsaw. Specialist in the economic policy of the European Union and its member states, as well as in the field of public management. He obtained his doctorate in humanities in the discipline of sociology on September 30, 2002, at the Institute of Sociology, University of Warsaw, based on his thesis Regional policy in Europe and the USA. He was employed as an assistant professor at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, where he became a habilitated doctor of humanities in the discipline of political science based on his scientific achievements and the dissertation „Europe at the Crossroads”.


  • The United States and the European Union – between independence and centralization. Evolution of integration models
  • analysis of possible forms of cooperation and integration in Central and Eastern Europe
  • social research on changes in social attitudes towards European integration after the outbreak of war in Ukraine in 2022.