Collegium Intermarium

„KOMPAS OBYWATELSKI DLA EUROPY” – IV. konferencja EUCET z udziałem Rektora CI dr Bartosza Lewandowskiego

Rektor CI dr Bartosz Lewandowski bierze udział w IV konferencji EUCET. Głównym celem EuCET jest ochrona judeochrześcijańskiego dziedzictwa kulturowego Europy, pielęgnowanie jego tradycji, ochrona suwerenności państw narodowych i zwiększanie efektywności inicjatyw obywatelskich.

Rektor CI dr Bartosz Lewandowski bierze udział w panelu dotyczącym obrony kultury i wartości chrześcijańskich. Będzie w nim mówił o tym w jaki sposób organizacje konserwatywne w Polsce sprzeciwiają się organizacjom jawnie zwalczającym religijność i patriotyzm. Wspólnie z innymi uczestnikami debaty będzie się zastanawiał nad powodami upadku wartości konserwatywnych w państwach Europy zachodniej. 



24th November 2023 (Friday)
09:00 – 9:55 Opening speeches of the conference
– Dr. László Csizmadia, Founder of EuCET (Hungary)
– László Kövér, Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary (Hungary)
10:00 – 10:25 I. Speech – „The role of civil society in defending the vision of a European
Union based on sovereign nation states”
– Dr. Judit Varga Member of Parliament, Chair of the Committee on European Affairs,
former Minister of Justice (Hungary)
10:30 – 10:55 II. Speech – „The challenges of sovereignty protection for national education
and training programmes”
– Dr. Zoltán Szalai, Director General of Mathias Corvinus Collegium (Hungary)
11:00 – 12:00 I. Round-table discussion – „Sovereign Europe and the relationship of
national sovereignty to the federal vision of Europe – possible directions for a reform of the
EU institutions for the better”
– Dr. Judit Varga Member of Parliament, Chair of the Committee on European Affairs,
former Minister of Justice
– Henri Malosse, President of Vocal Europe (Belgium)
– Henk Jan van Schothorst, President of the Board of Directors of Christian Council
International, awarded by the Gold Cross of Merit of Hungary (Netherlands)
– Stephen Bartulica, President of the Center for the Renewal of Culture, Member of
Parliament (Croatia)
– Pawel Czubik, Judge of the Supreme Court (Poland)
12:00 – 12:30 Coffee-break
12:35 – 13:00 III. Speech – „The importance of the Christian family model and the
progressive attacks against it today”
– Jan Ledóchowski, President of the Plattform Christdemokratie and Christian Democrat
spokesperson of the Austrian People’s Party in Vienna (Austria)
13:05 – 14:00 II. Round-table discussion – „The family as the cornerstone of Judeo-
Christian culture”
– Jan Ledóchowski, President of the Plattform Christdemokratie and Christian Democrat
spokesperson of the Austrian People’s Party in Vienna
– Maria Helena Costa, President of the Associação Família Conservadora (Portugal)
– Rihards Kostigovs, President of the Asociācija Ģimene (Latvia)
 Tünde Fűrész, President of the Kopp Mária Intézet a Népesedésért és a Családokért
– Jonatán Megyeri, Rabbi, Communications Director of the Egységes Magyarországi
Izraelita Hitközség (Hungary)
14:00 – 15:00 Lunch
15:15 – 15:40 IV. Speech – „The role of conservative youth in shaping the future”
– Gavin M. Wax, President of the New York Young Republican Club (USA)
15:45 – 16:40 III. Round-table discussion – „The role of conservative youth and the
challenges they face in shaping the future”
– Gavin M. Wax, President of the New York Young Republican Club
– Magnus Von Dreiager, President of the Konservative Studerende (Denmark)
– Edouard Bina, President of the La Cocarde Etudiante (France)
– Haakon Teig, former President of the Foreningen For Alle Konservative Studenter
25th November 2023 (Saturday)
09:00 – 09:30 I. Speech – „The new challenges of employee representation in the European
– Imre Palkovics, President of the Munkástanácsok Országos Szövetsége (Hungary)
9:35 – 10:30 I. Round-table discussion – „The vision of conservative trade unions with
Christian values in the European Union, with particular reference to the new challenges of
employee representation”
– Imre Palkovics, President of the National Federation of Workers’ Councils
– Gian Luigi Ferretti, Head of the Department of International Relations of the Unione
Generale del Lavoro (Italy)
– Csaba Bubenkó, President of the Kereskedelmi Dolgozók Független Szakszervezete
– Rodrigo Alonso Fernandez, Secretary General of the Solidaridad (Spain)
10:35 – 10:50 The Unione Generale del Lavoro (UGL) is the international winner of the
2023 Intellectual Patriot Award
– The award will be presented by Dr. László Csizmadia, President of the Board of
Trustees of CÖF-CÖKA, and Imre Palkovics, President of the Munkástanácsok
Országos Szövetsége
– The award will be received by Gian Luigi Ferretti, Head of the Department of
International Relations at the General Labour Union (UGL)
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee-break
11:35 – 12:00 II. Speech – „Culture war in the European Union”
– Dr. Ilmari Rostila, President of the Suomalaisuuden Liitto (Finland)
12:05 – 13:00 II. Round-table discussion – „In defence of national and Christian culture
and values”
– Dr. Ilmari Rostila, President of the Suomalaisuuden Liitto
– Mike Calamus, Board member of Konservatiivne Eesti (Estonia)
– Dr. habil. Miklós Papp, Greek Catholic priest, Head of Department of the Sapientia
Szerzetesi Hittudományi Főiskola (Hungary)
– Dr. Zoltán Osztie, Parish Priest of the a Budapest-Belvárosi Nagyboldogasszony
Főplébánia (Hungary)
13:10 – 14:10 Lunch
14:20 – 14:45 III. Speech – „As a minority citizen in Europe”
– Dr. Barna Bodó, President of the Magyar Civil Szervezetek Erdélyi Szövetsége
14:50 – 15:45 III. Round-table discussion – „The European Union’s nationality policy”
– Dr. Barna Bodó, President of the Magyar Civil Szervezetek Erdélyi Szövetsége
– Balázs Izsák, President of the Székely Nemzeti Tanács (Szeklerland)
– András Ricz, Chairman of the Board of the Szakegyesületek és Társulatok Szövetsége
– Szilvia Mentsik, President of the Ausztriai Magyar Szervezetek Kerekasztala (Austria)
– Andrea Hideghéthy, Executive Director of the Szövetség a Közös Célokért
15:50 –16:15 Closing speech of the conference
– Dr. Ifj. Zoltán Lomnici, Secretary General of EuCET (Hungary)